The Confirmation Preparation Program at St. Lawrence Parish is a two-year formation process that begins in the 7th grade. Students in the program celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation at the end of their 8th grade year. Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation marks the beginning of your child’s life as a full member of Catholic Church.
Over two years, this preparation process of faith exploration will include class instruction, community service, a day retreat, a Sacrament preparation workshop and participation in the liturgy.
Using our time, talent, and treasure, SERVICE PROJECTS (or Faith and Good Works Project) fulfill our Christian responsibility to witness our faith. Service projects must be accomplished over the two-year formation period (Confirmation I and Confirmation II) Service projects must be approved by the Director of Religious Education (DRE) of the parish and overseen by parents, sponsors and the DRE of the parish.