St. Lawrence Church continues to support the diocesan wide Pre-School Food Pack Program which provides needy pre-school children of the El Mundo Del Nino School in Paterson with a supply of healthy food and snacks and a meal for families. The families appreciate our support. Click header for more.
Served after all morning Masses in Church Hall
Kick off your Super Bowl Sunday with a delicious, hot breakfast. Come for all-you-can eat pancakes, sausage, bacon and donuts in addition to the normal complement of juices and coffee. $5/person, 10/family. Best bargain in town! Tickets will be sold at door only.
Do you have the gift of a voice that projects? Would you like to get more out of your Mass experience? Are you looking for a meaningful way to serve the church without a tremendous time commitment? Click header for more,
If you would like a copy of your 2024 contributions to St. Lawrence Church for tax purposes, please contact Karen in the Parish Office at or call 908-879-5371. Please indicate whether you use envelopes or WeShare (online giving).