St. Lawrence Church continues to support the diocesan wide Pre-School Food Pack Program which provides needy pre-school children of the El Mundo Del Nino School in Paterson with a supply of healthy food and snacks and a meal for families. The families appreciate our support. Click header for more.
Served after all morning Masses in Church Hall
Kick off your Super Bowl Sunday with a delicious, hot breakfast. Come for all-you-can eat pancakes, sausage, bacon and donuts in addition to the normal complement of juices and coffee. $5/person, 10/family. Best bargain in town! Tickets will be sold at door only.
Do you have the gift of a voice that projects? Would you like to get more out of your Mass experience? Are you looking for a meaningful way to serve the church without a tremendous time commitment? Click header for more,
If you would like a copy of your 2024 contributions to St. Lawrence Church for tax purposes, please contact Karen in the Parish Office at or call 908-879-5371. Please indicate whether you use envelopes or WeShare (online giving).
The St. Lawrence Church Play Group for four year-olds is recruiting classroom assistants for its program ministering to the Spanish speaking families in our parish. Click header for more.
Begins Wednesday, October 2, 9:30 AM - 11 AM
Repeats every Wednesday in Church Hall
Calling all moms and caregivers of little ones aged 4 years and under! Come and join our cozy Moms & Tots playgroup. It's a wonderful opportunity to connect with other parents in the community while our little tots have a blast playing and making new friends. And the best part, it's FREE!!!
St. Lawrence Church welcomes all children Grade 3 and older to join our Altar Server Ministry! Please contact Fr. Angel at if interested.
All women of the parish are invited to attend including those who have not attended any previous Cornerstone events. Come when you can! Walk-ins are welcome! Email Mary Murphy at for more information. 1/23, 2/13, 2/27 (7 PM, Parish Center); 7 PM (Parish Center).
HOSPITALIZED, HOMEBOUND, IN ASSISTED LIVING Please contact our Parish Office if you know of anyone in the area who is hospitalized, homebound or in assisted living. Many would appreciate a friendly visit, a phone call, help with rides to medical appointments, or the opportunity to receive Communion. The smallest of gestures can be assurance that they haven’t been forgotten. What a blessing that could be. Thank you for your help.
A person who has not been baptized, but recognizes a need for spirituality in life? A baptized Christian of another denomination who would like to learn about and possibly join the Catholic Church? A baptized Roman Catholic who has not received the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist or Confirmation and would like to become a full participant in the life of the Church? Married to a Catholic and attend Mass, but don’t know what the next step is to become one of the Catholic faithful? Click header for more.
BIBLES IN SPANISH NEEDED Please consider making a donation towards the purchase of Bibles in Spanish for our Spanish ministry. Your generosity would be greatly appreciated by those who desire to read the Word of God in their native language. If you can help, please mail your donation to St. Lawrence Church, PO Box 730, Chester, NJ 07930. Thank you.
Our Parish is looking for teens/young adults to join our worship team for our 6pm Mass! If you play any instrument or would like to sing please join us! Click header for more.