Arimathea Ministry:
The Arimathea ministry's primary responsibility is to help the grieiving family plan the funeral liturgy (choice of readings, music, etc.). In the process, they provide spiritual support for those who have suffered the loss of a loved one and let them know they are not alone in their journey to healing. Members pray for the dead and all those who mourn them.
For more information, please contact Arlene McDonald at (973) 584-7319.
Barn Sales: (POSTPHONED)
During the summer months, volunteers host several Barn Sales at St. Lawrence. Donations of gently used clothing, small furniture, books, bric a brac etc. are accepted during the spring and summer months and sold at the barn sales. Please keep in mind that computers, TV’s, exercise equipment, old bedding, and large furniture will not be accepted. When dropping off items at the Barn which is behind the Parish Center, be sure to place them in the designated area. Do not leave donations outside door. Thank you!
Good Samaritans:
The primary mission of the St. Lawrence Good Samaritans is to provide services to members of our community who are in need. We are in continuous need of assistance in providing these and other services and would welcome your help. Please join us the second Monday of every month in the Parish Center at 7:00 pm.
For more information, please contact Patsy Soden at (908) 879-2009.
Haiti Twinning:
In the summer of 2012, St. Lawrence began its twinning relationship with St. Francois d’Assise in Dufailly, Haiti. Parish Twinning Program of the Americas is the organization that “twinned” us with this desperately poor community located in thecentral plateau of Haiti. Twinning, as defined by PTPA is “a viable and loving relationship that is established. This relationship then becomes a bridge whereby the love of God flows in both directions as parishes learn to care, share and pray for one another. Through the Twinning Program, a sister parish is chosen, and a relationship is established between a North American parish and a parish in a Caribbean country or Latin America. Both spiritual and financial support is offered”.God called on us here at St. Lawrence, and we answered with love and gratitude for this opportunity. With your support we will continue to help our brothers and sisters in Christ.
For more information, please contact Christine Colannino at
For additional information about this ministry, please clck this link:Haiti Twinning Ministry
Fr. Nick is in “the chapel in Dumerain (one of the 6 chapels we twin with) which is in desperate need of repair/renovation”
Liturgy Media Support:
Utilizing production software from Media Shout, the volunteer team produces visual liturgical prayers, hymns and responses appropriate for the particular liturgical calendar dates. The video cues are stored on a graphic enhanced computer in the choir and the media operator selects and advances the cue to be displayed on the two large flat screen monitors on either side of the sanctuary area. There are six weekend Masses that require operator coverage. For those who are sufficiently adept at programming, training is available for media volunteers to program the content using the Media Shout production software that can be installed at no cost on their home based Windows equipped computer.
"Mary's Moonflowers" (Widows Group)
Mary's Moonflowers is a group for widows of all ages. No matter where you are in your grief journey, you are welcome to come for prayer, fellowship, support, and socialization. Our meetings cover various topics and subjects to offer assistance for the challenges we encounter getting used to this new life. Meetings are held at the Parish Center monthly usually on a Thursday evening. Other social gatherings are held throughout the year.
For more information, please contact Cindy Sommer at (973) 879-0465 OR
Respect Life Ministry:
The Respect Life Committee of St. Lawrence Parish works to defend innocent life from conception to natural death. To this end, the Committee works to educate the community about the Church's teachings on the sanctity of life and about the science of life's different stages. Finally, the Committee engages in activism, supporting leaders and laws respecting the sanctity of life. Click here for more information on Respect Life.
Rosary Society
The purpose of the Rosary Society is for devotion to the Blessed Mother providing spiritual help and support for one another, social activities for the women of the society and the parish family. We assist the parish when needed socially, spiritually, and financially.
The first clear historical reference to the Rosary is from the life of St. Dominic and then became over the centuries the greatest and most powerful prayer in the Church. It is a compendium of the entire gospel. Rosary means a crown of roses, a spiritual bouquet given to the Blessed Mother. The mind meditates on the mysteries of the Incarnation and Redemption represented by the decades prayed with the mind, heart and soul. Many miracles have occurred through praying the Rosary including spiritual healing, as well as physical healing, and asking God’s blessings for family, peace in our world, and the healing of evils of our times. It is a universal prayer for the needs of the Church and our world.
Spanish Ministry:
The Saint Lawrence Hispanic Ministry exists to help Hispanic residents of Chester, New Jersey. It provides a path to facilitate their integration into the U.S. Catholic Church and society. Furthermor,e it helps residents overcome the barrier of language and culture.
Through this ministry, we provide Catholic Hispanics with an enriching faith experience and reach out to those who need faith in their lives. We also welcome with open arms anyone who wishes to have a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.
For more information, please contact Louis Villafane at (908) 879-3032,
Welcome Ministry:
The Welcome Ministry hosts Welcome Weekends once a month during the non-Summer season. These are popular events as they provide an environment to foster community within our parish while enjoying refreshments such as donuts, pancakes, cheese and fruits.
To provide feedback or to join the Welcome Ministry, please contact Janet Villafane at or Margie Scobell
For additional information, please click on the link below:
Welcome Ministry Information